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Learn German Language

German Classes


  • Germany is a dream destination for many to study or to find employment

  • Germany has a strong emotional bond towards the German language

  • If you want to pursue your education in Germany, it is highly advisable to learn German language.

  • Some of the courses are taught only in German and require a specific level of German proficiency (B1 in most cases).

  • If you know the language, most Germans would appreciate and help you with local laws and regulations, showing you the best places in the neighbourhoods, while also becoming your trusted friends.


  • Germany is a leading economy in Europe.

  • Knowing German gives you an upper hand in the application pool for international companies.

  • Recruitment managers see the benefits of having a German bilingual team-member.

  • The same applies to ex-pats who want to apply for a job in Germany.

  • In addition to some specialist knowledge, German language proficiency impresses the employer enormously.

  • Ease up at new business-friendly Berlin, the financial capital Frankfurt, the industrial hub Stuttgart and the harbours at Hamburg and even picturesque small places.


  • Foundational Level

  • Zertifikat Deutsch (ZD) - German Language Proficiency Exams

  • CEFR Level A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2

German Language,
Echenar Way !

© 2021 by एचेनार कन्सल्टंट्स


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